TTS Supercharger

Another thought, do you do the solid modeling yourself ? or have a staff member do this, and how much time is involved in that ! ?
I have a small team who turn my concepts into reality. With this one I got excited when I had worked out the best solution and got stuck in with my Bridgeport and lathe and made the complete prototype in just 2 long days. As you have seen in the earlier video it looked nothing like the final design. Again I said that in the video. I am very lucky that my CAD/CAM. Guy is on the same page as me and he turned my vision into reality. We did scan the bike and this was a big help in getting it almost right first time. We will make a couple of small dimensional changes were the plenum back didn’t quite line up with a couple of bolt holes. But remarkably everything else seems to be spot on.
Richard, this is the finest motorcycle performance product I’ve ever seen! Your vision looks absolutely amazing. Three cheers to you and you team for making it happen!
One thing that comes through is your passion for what you do, the challenge is the driving force, I have this passion too when developing new tooling for my pipe production.
I'm only using 2D Auto C.A.D. but that is more than sufficient for what I need.

For example, I spent over 250 hours drawing up and developing a press tool to press one particular component, it evolved as I was drawing.
I purchased the material then spent about 60 hours machining components.
The amazing thing is/was .... the very first item out of the tool was 100% perfect, I'll have to admit I was surprised, developement never goes "that well" !
Its always very satisfying when it goes right first time
Only a few shillings you say! Lol
When I first started my Exhaust System Business I was told that if I chase money, I will always chase money.
If I'm passionate about what I do and enjoy my work the money will come, after 30 odd years I'm up to about NZ$0.38 cents an hour now, I'm living the dream