TTS Supercharger vs. Carpenter Head Rework?

I just let them have their way and lead them towards hairpins. There is a small section of road in the Southern UK called "Zig-Zag Hill" - It was where we "trained". Zig Zag hill - Bob should sent one to Guy Martin and let him real world it.
GUY MARTIN is the PILOT of the TRIUMPH streamliner Watch the video GUY MARTIN FASTEST MAN ON TWO WHEELS they will be heading to the salt flats soon and thats the real world of LAND SPEED RACING
HA yes SMOKIN JOE sounds like you get frisky sometimes so you can appreciate having top of the food chain HORSEPOWER available when you want it. I enjoy the BIG HP modded Rockets they are the most fun you can have on 2 wheels as they do everything well as an everday all round rider .
YEP STEEL is known as
I know Art. But he is also very good in the twisties.
YES thats why he was chosen to pilot the STREAMLINER hes a very good fearless rider
Hell.....I am 70 yrs old and have never ridden a motorcycle that was to fast..............Been over 200 mph a few times

Shamed to say it but 6 yrs. ago did 205...GPS... on Red mill road in Durham NC about 5 miles from my house on a 2 lane country road...

2001 highly modified Busa

Art if you need an Ol' Fat man to hold that streamliner down on the salt.....let me know...
Traction is the killer on the salt flats..........That is why the rocket powered cars are the wheel spin
Let Guy loose with some tuned Carpenter R3s at Pikes Peak A bit late for this years racing - it's today 25th June.

He did it a few years ago.
YES we would like to get on an asphalt surface with a modded ROCKET rather that spinning the rear tire on that messy slippery salt at BONNEVILE .
I would love to give my honest opinion on this subject. As soon as you do, some take it as an invitation for a pissing contest. Which then the thread goes south with badgering and name calling as you might have already noticed. Everyone should be proud of their accomplishments, but most important threads like this are a discussion to learn from. Of course this is not what happens so it makes the thread a useless one, and you might as well be kicking rocks
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