TTS Supercharger vs. Carpenter Head Rework?

Ive tested the R&B Turbo V twins they arent HARLEYS and they are not a practical street bike
I want your job Art. You get to ride and test some mean machines. I know that it is there 136 cubic inch orca motor they build with S&S parts. I also know that their real passion is setting records on the salt flats. I was thinking that they could make an intercooler for Carpenters or boost is good system. Keeping intake temperatures low is important to me. I love the idea of all that power but I still need it street able. Adjustable boost would be nice too. All I want is everything. Most of the time the only way to get everything you want is to do it yourself.
I'm just curious BigNorm. Why are you interested in Turbo over Supercharger?
THOSE aircooled V twins are not able to stay cool for street use and the liquid cooled Rocket is a superior powerplant and the low compression Turbo engines run cool when cruising we dont see the need for an intercooler when running the lower boost pressures necessary to make the power we want and we can always use water alky injection for higher boost pressure max HP setups and of course you can adjust the boost pressure to suit your needs
I'm just curious BigNorm. Why are you interested in Turbo over Supercharger?
I think it's the most street able option. A supercharger and motor mods run all the time. I know the turbo does too but of the three it is the best on demand system in my opinion. I became fascinated by turbos when I was riding my previous bike a 2011 Road Glide Ultra. I like that turbos create power when you need it and the rest of the time they pretty much just spool and run similar to a stock engine. The idea appealed to me (and still does) in the case of my old V twin where keeping temperature as low as possible was paramount.
Art is right in that our R3s are superior to the V twin in every way starting at the crank which as far as I can tell is a forged 1 piece design. Harley has a 3 to 5 piece design. Ect and so forth I was extremely disappointed to learn that to build any amount of real power with the Harley bike I was going to have to spend 1000+ on a S&S crank.
I love that our bikes come from the factory stock with the ability to make more power on stock parts. For a starters we have 8.5/1 compression ratio which is an ideal starting point for a forced induction motor. Second the r3 is water cooled and more forgiving of heat. Compressed air gets hot.
I like the versatility of turbos as well. On a day to day basis I could keep it mild and if I want more I can crank it up. I know the more you want the more internal parts need to be upgraded as well. And then you need someone knowledgeable enough to tune it so you don't blow all your hard work and money up.

Really? I have TTS kit on my R3Std. I replaced the Brute w CES. No prob so far.
Really? I have TTS kit on my R3Std. I replaced the Brute w CES. No prob so far.

Good to know I'm Looking at it, and looking at the TTS kit it really looks like they're interfere with each other, sweet.
A pro which is exclusive to the Carpenter stuff is a 9000 rpm redline
At the risk of upsetting mr Warp with his pi$4ing contest logo, this is not an accurate statement. Remove the word exclusive please. . Note I am smiling..
At the risk of upsetting mr Warp with his pi$4ing contest logo, this is not an accurate statement. Remove the word exclusive please. . Note I am smiling..
Good bud as I am not sure what your saying about upsetting me. I guess I will remove the pissing contest post as I really did not want to get into this and it seems to upset you. I know now you'll give me crap about not getting into this !!!!!!!!! But I have posted before about my preferences as to what kit I find more useful on the street. RPM well it does not matter as I am sure you also have higher rpm maps and as you know the blower will except different pulley's so it will not go over speed.

Oh and after over 20 years of Supervising Murderers, Rapist, Child Molesters, Gang Banger's, Drug Dealers and General Deviant Thugs pissing me off is not as easy as you might think!!!!

I will however apologize for what ever I said to upset you
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Oh and after over 20 years of Supervising Murderers, Rapist, Child Molesters, Gang Banger's, Drug Dealers and General Deviant Thugs pissing me off is not as easy as you might think!!!!
OK what about a swarm of screaming (playing) children?. "Mr Warp sir, can we have our ball please" every 10 minutes will get you for certain.

You may have guessed - I don't have my own mini-mees.