TTS Supercharger vs. Carpenter Head Rework?

Excites to see what they come up with.
Do you kkiw if it will work with the carp sidewinder exhaust? Fit being the likely problem.
The TURBO uses the stock header as part of the system so no need for another pipe
The TURBO uses the stock header as part of the system so no need for another pipe
Does it incorporate an intercooler? I would really like to know more about this. Do they keep the stock compression ratio or is it a total rebuild from the crank on up. The setup I've imagined has the turbo exposed off of the manifold. I don't like how the air cleaner is under the bike on boost is goods setup. I love the sleeper appeal but the air filter needs another home and an intercooler.
NO intercooler as the 1500cc destroked engines make 500 HP with low boost so we dont need the intercooler to squeese more HP from the 2300 CC engines running low boost and cool intake temps and the turbo engine will run lower compression
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What sized turbo is being used? I just like the idea of an intercooler helping keep intake temperatures down plus cooler air is more dense. I imagine water injection could help some but I would still like an intercooler.
I was really looking into RB Racing Harley Turbos when I was still riding a road glide. They really make a good product but really only focus on Harleys. They used to make kits for goldwings as well.
I vote both
I see you and raise you one. All 3.

It's a shame that the hibrid ABB turbo/super-charger never came to fruition.
The crank span it and the exhaust pressurized. Called the COMPREX iirc.
Was developed initially for small diesel engines - iirc the tests were done on VW Golf.
THE new ball bearing turbos work great so there arent any problems with Turbo lag and they are very reliable