TTS Supercharger vs. Carpenter Head Rework?

Again warp9.9 can school you on the engine updates/changes over the years - he loves it lol.

Your roadster would look funny/unique with a silver engine in it though.

Re a play engine, i did that too, bought a spare engine a few years ago, and took the head off that to send to Carpenters.
My bike was my only wheels at the time so couldn't afford to have the bike apart for several weeks.
So my 2010 Roadster black engine has a black 08 cylinder head in it.

Also re foot rails etc, I can say that foot rails from a 06 (iirc) fit my Roadster engine no probs so should be no issue vice versa.
@warp9.9 - to summon him
IT depends how fast do you want to go the
THE CARPENTER mods will give you the best performance over the Supercharger
Yep. If the time ever came I would probably do a custom build.
CARPENTER has a TURBO system that we are testing now Ill post some results soon [this site redirects to Billet Charger |] has a turbo kit too. It's 224 hp, doesn't raise the rpm limit, but makes a bunch of low end torque. Should be serious fun in town.
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NOT BIAS just facts CARP can make 265 HP with just engine mods The SUPERCHARGER only cant match that and requires additional engine mods SO you can do both and CARPENTER has done that for customers that want more than 265 HP but that doubles the price SO the TURBO can be used on a stock engine or with a prepared modded TURBO spec engine for max HP
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Excites to see what they come up with.
Do you kkiw if it will work with the carp sidewinder exhaust? Fit being the likely problem.