OK Richard... I'm sold! How do I get this done in the US??
i wish I could overcome these hurdles for getting supercharger on mine
- no good mechanics near me, I am in Canada, insane amount if someone is willing to put stage2.
- Not sure if someone can do stage1 by themselves, doesnt look like its something which you can do at home by following guide at home for stage1 ( not stage2 )
Where in Canada? I think a stage 1 could easily be done in a modestly equipped home garage. If you are serious about doing it you will find the resources/mechanics with some effort behind it. Of course the biggest hurdle is spending that amount of cash, but hopefully that’s a mental hurdle
""Where in Canada? ""

"" I think a stage 1 could easily be done in a modestly equipped home garage''
I have garage but where is the support and guide for a DIYer to install Stage1 in garage. I cant find any.

""If you are serious about doing it you will find the resources/mechanics with some effort behind it. """
I am not comfortable giving bike to someone in Canada. They all know small claims/ litigation courts are a joke if something goes wrong, i will end up with an open bike and loss of too much $$.

""Of course the biggest hurdle is spending that amount of cash, but hopefully that’s a mental hurdle""
I will go to the states this year and ask around, big country, big population, ample options, competitive pricing.
You are just a mere 500 miles from the Twin Cities
Litigation is something to consider in the States too, but mostly because of the cost of it. Your point is something needing serious consideration, as once trouble arises it is usually hard to extinguish.

My experience in modifying things is that once responsibility does become an issue there is rarely a good outcome for your wallet or calendar.

Both Richard @TTS and Rotrex have track records of delivering quality products. So it’s kind of down to finding someone or shop you trust to un-assemble and reassemble your bike. There are plenty of shops and mechanics around here but only a few that work on Triumphs. For me the engine assembly isn’t something I’m going to tackle so I’m farming that out. Hopefully the engine will be out in the next week or so to ship out.

Then as I understand it, TTS’s piston order for the kits won’t be fulfilled until February. I trust Richard is at least as anxious to ship the kits as his customers are to get them. Knowing the logistics of things means he is at the mercy of the piston manufacturers meeting its delivery date,

Hopefully spring will bring some real progress reports from the two or three members here that already have their kits.