Tsukayu Fairing, Trunks, Saddlebags

That'd be me

Well, Chris,
It was not you - twas Paul.
Nobody stated "Tsukayu Fairing, Trunks, Saddlebags" could not be mounted.
My understanding was the OP (@Terminator), way back in 2012, was dis-satified with these bag.
I basically dittoed his comments with what I have been told by several other owners from as far back as 2004.
I really do not give excrement what bags one chooses, however, when asked I may comment.
In hindsight since I have no "personal" experience I should have just kept quiet.
Another lesson in "if nothin' good to say - don't say".
I have removed my hasty retort!

The natives are restless lately, everyone needs to chill.
I recommend cookies for everyone.
I did some research and have discovered I screwed up! The bags I was remembering were Mutazu. I had the national origin correct, but the incorrect manufacturer.
I did some research and have discovered I screwed up! The bags I was remembering were Mutazu. I had the national origin correct, but the incorrect manufacturer.
Ah those! - I had a set of those fitted (well they look the same but came with "oriental" lettering). They are really very much in the cheap and cheerful department.

That said I kept the top case on until late Sept this year it became rather rattly.
The sidecases looked neat, but were ergonomically useless.

Free to a good home, or a bad one, as long as you pay the postage. But if I were you I'd decline.

Not me, Amigo!
No trunks shall adorn my Rockets.
My Tusk Bags are used only for my frequent extended rides around the USA.