Triumph Webmaster needs to wake up!

  • Royal Enfield introduces two new color options for the 2024 Hunter 350: Dapper O (deep orange) and Dapper G (deep green).
I hear what you're saying and I agree with your ideals on the subject, but I really can't imagine Rockets being offered in more than just two or three colours.
These bikes are expensive. No dealer can afford to have a Rocket sitting in it's showroom and not selling due to it's colour.
They don't sell in big numbers. In contrast, I would say generally, Royal Enfields do sell in much higher numbers, and then the elephant in the room is, 'how can we sell an old fashioned, low powered bike, that can't compete with modern mid-range bikes in most aspects?'.......I know, let's paint them up in some fancy/cool colours that's on trend this year.

It's a numbers thing.
Marketing has concluded that a Rocket buyer is an egotistical petrolhead type, who is more concerned about big tyres and big torque rather than buying on their sophisticated tastes in colour. Red and Black hit the sweet spot with most stereotypical target that's wot-we-got-whether-we-like-it-or-not.

They could decide to make buying a Rocket an order only, bespoke bike and in the process an even more expensive bike. Enabling the customer to spec their bikes in a number of personalised ways, which colour would definitely be one option on the list.
I think I would prefer to pay a lower price for the bike and then perhaps pay some extra to make it my own using local paint specialists. Very few of us will keep our bikes stock for long anyway, regardless of paint colour.

I also suggest that if anyone is up for painting their bike in their favourite colour, it will statistically be worth less than the factory Red, Black, Grey coloured bikes, not solely because it's been re-painted, but because it isn't in the statistically preferred Red, Black or Grey. It just works that way with colour....It's subjective, and doesn't add horsepower.......Well ok, Red adds more power than other colours. That goes without saying.......

By the way.......Is Chrome a colour?..........Answers on a postcard to..............

Good response Jagster. Henry Ford used to sell them in only one color a while back. I agree a repaint loses value. I've never painted one of my bikes. I like to see them come from the factory with it. But this trend of dull matte primer looking unfinished bikes is the direction Triumph seems to be going. Just another nail in the Rockets coffin.
.....Apparently, that's what we want...matt grey....more than gloss grey.........Woah!! Radical move there Triumph!
Looks like new Rocket buyers are evolving from drag strip heroes to coffee shop hipsters.

Get with the program dude......move with the times......and seek out some trendy hair wax and nail trimmers .........................
Well not everyone.
Addressing color updates to the 2023 lineup in a press release, Triumph says “These build on the great success of last year’s Gold Line Editions, which responded to customer requests for brighter, more distinctive, and more elegant color options across the lineup.”

except the Rocket.

huh?.......My guess is that working up from the kindergarten sized bikes in the range, by the time they got to the Rocket they had run out of the new lacquer.
Then they could do like Harley does. Add $1500 to color a Fatboy blue. Course, then I'd stick with black if I wanted one bad enough.
Fair enough, but would it cost you as much a that to get a pro paint job? I get your point though.

Have you seen the new ones? Black is additional cost on some of them. Who'd ever thought that? That awful primer gray is now the stock color on some models.
Strange decision from Triumph.
I could imagine they are trying their best to streamline production costs to keep the retail price as competitive as possible, but then again, what is the Rocket competing with other than perhaps a new kitchen or bathroom for the nearest & dearest.....etc.....?