Oh, you just want it all, don't you..... .........Have you any idea how technically difficult it is to paint something green?.....Not to mention blue or orange.
Now, lets see.........What colour do you get if you mix black, red and grey?
Well, not green, blue, or orange.....See what I mean?.......Very difficult....lol...
I'm actually glad that the only obvious improvements have been the colors, that usually means that they had time to iron out any production run bugs often just a minor unnoticeable material changes and so on or there is no reason fix something that's not broken. But what do I know the 2024 model could be just a 2020 clone, except for the color of course.
I'm sure they will be ironing out a few foibles each production years. That said, there will also be new issues, as they grapple with on going cost reduction programs that all manufacturing companies have to do. As soon as you go with a new supplier during a models' production run for example, new issues can sometimes crop up.
Over all however, it's often true that later models have improvements compared to the first ones.
That said, I doubt I will be swapping my 2020 model for a newer one anytime soon, if ever.