Triumph to celebrate 100 years of the Rocket 3 with special owners event at Elvington Airfield

@Rufus Roughcut

Good to meet up with you Mr Roughcut ........till next time buddy....looking forward to another meet up and a ride somewhere.
It was indeed, a grand day out on the Rocket.
I wasn't expecting to get involved with MCN but the group ride down the runway was fun to do, and I met some really great Rocket owners.
My bike was used as a backdrop for one of the MCN interviews with Grace Webb, which was interesting too (see photos below)
I heard that Grace clocked a speed of about 160mph on a turbo charged privateer's bike. Mighty impressive.

.....Roll up roll up.....Come try out the Rocket Storm.......Go as fast as you

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Hey Jagster, thanks for agreeing to meet a random off the internet, at a service station

I must say I was very impressed with your modifications, all too often you see good ideas, however the execution of those ideas leaves room for improvement, yours were spot on.

Shortly after you arrived, in rode ‘The Black Widow Motorcycle Gang’ – aka Nottingham Arrows (If you read this guys? Thanks for letting us tag along).

Leader of the Club, sorry I didn't catch your name, I can tell from the short conversation we had, you won't mind me posting this flattering shot

From the services we rode to Elvington, arriving in good time to see the bikes giving it all down the runway.

MCN were there along with Bike Social and of course Triumph Motorcycles. During the lunch break, all Triumph Rocket owners and bikes were ushered onto the strip for a photo shoot.

The photo shoot consisted of riding in formation behind a transit van, whilst being photographed and videoed by a drone. The guys from MCN said they would send us a link to the photos, so, assuming we are allowed? I’ll post some up on the forum.

A few of my photos below

Turbo Charged Rocket

My Ride

Jagster waiting in line for his turn.

@Rufus Roughcut
Thanks for the complement regarding my mods. I was motivated 95% by the need for practical improvements and 5% aesthetic enhancement, but my view is that if you're going to make any changes or additions, they ought to be to an standard that doesn't degrade the original product.
They're not for everyone, but i'm glad I did them.
The longer I keep the bike, i'm in no doubt that I will make further developments as I go along.....winter projects, as I call them.

Here's a link to a couple of my project threads:

Designing a new rear fender - winter project

Fitting a Tank Rack to a 2.5l Rocket 3

Looking at that last photo you posted of me on the all black Storm is interesting to see. I think I make the bike look 'normal' in size.....or maybe it's just that the bike is all black that makes it look smaller??
Looks like you had a good day out, can I have a signed photo now @Jagster ill get a grip and sort out a cake RV

Cake sounds good......where do I sign?

Yes, it was a good day out....You were missed.....I think you would have enjoyed it.

We also need to sort out a factory tour some time soon. ......Anyone else out there interested?
This was the fastest bike on the day.
The official top speed at the 1.25mile speed gate..........161.558 mph (Rider: Grace Webb)

The bike build looked like great quality workmanship to me.
It's still in development and the boost was set 'quite low at this stage with much more to come with further development'.

A fantastic RIII touring complete with supercharger and auxiliary fuel tank (behind the pillion seat) was also a stand-out bike at the event.
The paint job set the bike off really well too......a classy 'classic'.
Cool bike, I reckon.

Michael Mann, (Managing editor for BikeSocial / Bennetts Insurance) doing the business for MCN.
.......Looking forward to seeing the video on YouTube when they eventually publish it.