Hey Jagster, thanks for agreeing to meet a random off the internet, at a service station
I must say I was very impressed with your modifications, all too often you see good ideas, however the execution of those ideas leaves room for improvement, yours were spot on.
Shortly after you arrived, in rode ‘The Black Widow Motorcycle Gang’ – aka Nottingham Arrows (If you read this guys? Thanks for letting us tag along).
Leader of the Club, sorry I didn't catch your name, I can tell from the short conversation we had, you won't mind me posting this flattering shot
From the services we rode to Elvington, arriving in good time to see the bikes giving it all down the runway.
MCN were there along with Bike Social and of course Triumph Motorcycles. During the lunch break, all Triumph Rocket owners and bikes were ushered onto the strip for a photo shoot.
The photo shoot consisted of riding in formation behind a transit van, whilst being photographed and videoed by a drone. The guys from MCN said they would send us a link to the photos, so, assuming we are allowed? I’ll post some up on the forum.
A few of my photos below
Turbo Charged Rocket
My Ride
Jagster waiting in line for his turn.