Triumph Thunderbird leather jacket

Would that make them SoCal jackets

FYI - Mate,
Jim lives is central CA near San Francisco, homo capital of the nation . . .
Well . . . to be honest, Seattle has recently surpassed SF on a per capita basis.
90° and humid here!
Focus is OUT the window, Mate!
FWIW - me thinks those prices are too cheap and the jackets would likely reflect that . . .
FYI - Mate,
Jim lives is central CA near San Francisco, homo capital of the nation . . .
Well . . . to be honest, Seattle has recently surpassed SF on a per capita basis.

You get drunk and suck my dick, and suddenly I'm the homo.....Geez!
What size you trying to track down?

Only Triumph jacket I have is SIZE 42 /52 .. not sure if that's a UK, US or whatever sizing.
The TEKNIC brand jacket I got is size 46 US/CAN/UK .. but 56 Euro .. got me f#cked to be honest.
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