Triumph Tee Shirts

T Evans

Jun 23, 2009
North Central Oklahoma
Now that I own a Rocket, I find I don't have any Tee shirts to wear while riding. My boys are picking at me wearing my Boss Hoss shirts, something like, Poor old man had to sell his Boss but he is still hanging on to those Boss Hoss tee shirts. There may be some truth in there but I'll never let them know it. lol
Any way, I found that there is a ton of people selling Triumph Motorcycle shirts and jackets on Ebay of all places and at pretty good prices also. So the ol man broke down and ordered some tees and am hoping my boys will buy me that really nice Rocket III leather jacket for Xmas.
Now you know.
Hi T...i like that jacket also..good luck with that. One thing is for sure, christmas will be much better than it could have been. My regards to you and your family ;)

Try the site. Look for ATM who has Rocket III shirts, hats, stickers. I bought from them, pretty good stuff.