Triumph survey 12/8/15

Why are they doing a survey when all they have to do is look at the competitions innovations and apply it to their own ....! Honda and other bikes have perfected it why can't they..?
There are already 2 models of rocket. More accessories for them would be nice, but leave the roadster as is. The only thing I would like to see is the 6th gear. Here in the US there are interstates where legal cruising speeds vary up to 80 mph or more. To cruise along at 2000 to 2500 rpm would be great.

I'm at 3000 RPM when cruising at 70 mph (about 113 kph) on superslabs (interstate highways) at a speed limit of 65 mph. Here, as in many states, that means that most people are traveling at about 74 mph, a speed that state police virtually always allow without harassment - many drivers push that envelope to about 80 mph, which is typically a speed that I'll average on reasonably open or uncongested highways. 6th gear would be a definite plus, but built in cruise control would be more pragmatic, at least as an option.

Keep in mind, though, that with my Carpenterized motor, my redline is at 9,000 RPM, so cruising at speeds between 70 and 90 mph still has my motor spinning very much in the lower range of the power band.
Nice video. We have a person at work who rides a R1 Yamaha. The first time I showed up on the Rocket at work the guy was full of twenty questions about the Rocket. He was really surprised that it did not come with traction control. One day we were heading out to go home and there he sat ready to go. He had been talking to a lot of co-workers about how fast his R1 is so we kind of had the idea what was up. Sure enough he starts revving up his engine. The road leading into where I work is about 1/8 of mile to the main highway. No traffic on side road so off we go. Flat out blew him away. The look on his face at the stop sign was sure disappointment. Yes the R1 has a much higher top end but for every day riding (under 100 mph) the rocket can hold its own. Monday rolled around and we asked him why he did not take his bike to work (it was a real nice day) come to find out that his traction control system was on the blink again and the bike was in the shop. Being the type of person that I am we looked down at our wrist and made like we were operating A motorcycle throttle and stated gee mine still works. The commit really pissed him off which was a good thing. I can understand the reasoning behind all the gadgets on some off the newer bikes. If that is what your into then buy a BMW they have a ton of gadgets and buttons to push while your riding. Some of us believe in the kiss system. KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. Love the Rocket X for what it is.

A gentleman I ride with was just telling me about the survey the other day. I really want to participate in the survey, but haven't received it yet. I'm thinking I might not get it at all, since I bought my R3 used.
I, personally, don't have any major complaints about my R3 or any of my other Triumphs. I also am not looking for more features or added accessories; I would rather they just fix and/or upgrade the things that most of us are complaining about in the first place... i.e. the tires, ignition, clutch issues, etc. My feeling is the same with my Tiger1050- I would rather they just fix all the electrical and starting issues instead of adding more stuff that can cause more problems.
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You think right, Dennis - they don't know that you exist.

However, if you contact Triumph Motorcycles America, Ltd customer service, Contact Triumph Motorcycles America | Triumph Motorcycles (there are a sign up options at the bottom of this link), I'm sure that they'd be delighted to add you to their contact list if they have someone at corporate that's intelligent or industrious enough to take

the time to do accomodate you.

Thanks. I appreciate that.
I wont be buying another Triumph until they fix the multiple and various electrical problems.

Saddened to read this!
Has the new Roadster trike been problematic?