Triumph survey 12/8/15

Just tellin' it like it is. Corporate sucks and blows simultaneously and their dealerships have cost me thousands of dollars and months of lost or low quality riding time through their sheer incompetence, lack of integrity or both. So, aside from that, Jim...
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I also received the survey from Triumph and was a little surprised at how it mirrored a lot of mods & complaints that I have followed on this site. Cruse, working heated grips (had to change out a broken throttle grip road side) , led lights-R3T style , and for the wish anything box......a quick release trunk.
I mentioned a fixed fairing and trunk. Cruise control and what about an air ride adgustable suspension. But adding all these goodies might put it outa my price range. I really like the price now.

Yup...I mentioned the idea of a quick release trunk and I also mentioned the issues I have seen on the forum about the heated grips. Not an option I would be interested with unless they fix the problem of them breaking out. Cruise was at the top.
I like the roadster just as is. No unnecessary gadgets. We do understand that others may wish for more. The motorcycle industry as a whole seems to really lean towards adding a lot of accessories to their bikes like fairings, hard bags, traction control, radios, so forth and so on. should Triumph come out with a full dresser Rocket style? Yes it would more than likely sell real well. Should they offer the Rocket with more options? probably would help sells. That is as long as they leave the gadgets as options. Should they offer a six speed? Sure but leave it on the touring model not the roadster. Bells and whistles are nice but some of us like it simple. Two wheels limited gadgets and a strong powerfull engine.
Delivering a bit more of the power to the wheel that the Roadster has locked up is the number one area that Triumph could improve for such a non-touring model as you've descibed, sonny.
I wont be buying another Triumph until they fix the multiple and various electrical problems.
I'm curious as to the request for a sixth cog. I find that here in oz with the general top speed capped at 110 km/ph when I'm in 5th the rpm is as low as I would want it to be around 2 thousand. I would expect another cog would make that worse. Others may be lucky enough to live in countries where the authorities allow much higher speeds. And there is of course those of us that don't give a s##t. Love the cruise and personalising idears. Better more readable instruments would also be nice. Oh and I like coffee so an expression machine would also be great.