Triumph Riders ride 18 August 2019

great company...bloody cold day tho....but we still were out there doin it rather than sitting at home thinking about it... like most of our 50 members..
Averaged 14.6 kms per litre....
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Well I averaged only 13.49 kms a litre.

Must be the extra weight of the panniers with the tools and the 5 litres of petrol I took the barn door on the front and the fn fat barstard at the controls.

At the difference between us in fuel used you could only go an extra 25 kms per tank.

On the poker trip in Oct will put fly screen and get rid of the panniers and take a back pack only. And do another Check. To see how much fuel diff between an 06 and a 16.

38 Imp mpg vs 41 Imp mpg - yep Chrome costs!
The joys of having a Viking header and exhaust system that sucks fuel through at high speed.

Copied this picture off the facebook of the pub.

Both feet off the pegs and only one hand on the bars what an idiot.

Only got up the road a mile and realized I hadn't done up the helmet.