TRIUMPH PROBLEM #3 won't crank on first try


stand up straight and grab the world by the a$$
Jan 24, 2013
07 rocket III classic
normal for who? triumph won't fix it because then they would have to admit that they have a problem and if they have a problem then there would have to be recalls.
so if we want to fix the problem that is normal weee have to do some work checking. that means those having the problem.
#1 I think that it might be a fuel pump problem so one way of checking it is get everything ready to start then as soon as it does the two second fuel prim try to start as soon as you can and try to get it started while the fuel pump is priming the injectors.
#2 you can hookup the fuel pump relay so it will stay running with switch so you know that the injectors are under pressure.
#3 if you can spray either into the air filter and it starts on first crank then we know that it is a fuel problem.
normal for who? triumph won't fix it because then they would have to admit that they have a problem and if they have a problem then there would have to be recalls.
so if we want to fix the problem that is normal weee have to do some work checking. that means those having the problem.
#1 I think that it might be a fuel pump problem so one way of checking it is get everything ready to start then as soon as it does the two second fuel prim try to start as soon as you can and try to get it started while the fuel pump is priming the injectors.
#2 you can hookup the fuel pump relay so it will stay running with switch so you know that the injectors are under pressure.
#3 if you can spray either into the air filter and it starts on first crank then we know that it is a fuel problem.
You know, Herman, old Amigo,
You're doing so many of these 2.5s, You might consider including them into your business. 🤑😜
Lately it seems like you could make more money than on those stupid cage transmissions.
Normal pour qui ? Triumph ne le résoudra pas parce qu’ils devraient alors admettre qu’ils ont un problème et s’ils ont un problème, il devrait y avoir des rappels.
Donc, si nous voulons résoudre le problème normal, nous devons effectuer un peu de vérification. Cela signifie ceux qui ont le problème.
#1 Je pense qu’il pourrait s’agir d’un problème de pompe à carburant, donc une façon de le vérifier est de tout préparer pour démarrer, puis dès qu’il le fait, les deux secondes d’amorçage du carburant, essayez de démarrer dès que vous le pouvez et essayez de le faire démarrer pendant que la pompe à carburant amorce les injecteurs.
# 2 Vous pouvez brancher le relais de la pompe à carburant pour qu’il reste en marche avec l’interrupteur afin que vous sachiez que les injecteurs sont sous pression.
#3 Si vous pouvez pulvériser l’un ou l’autre dans le filtre à air et qu’il démarre à la première manivelle, nous savons qu’il s’agit d’un problème de carburant.
Lorsque la moto était froide, Triumph a changé la pompe à carburant avec le réservoir après avoir vérifié la pression de la pompe à carburant aux injecteurs.
Triumph a remarqué la faute après 3-4 tentatives de départ.
When the bike was cold, Triumph changed the fuel pump with the tank after checking the pressure from the fuel pump to the injectors.
Triumph noticed the mistake after 3-4 start attempts.
when is triumph going to fix it?
Quand Triumph va-t-il y remédier ?
Triumph m’a rendu la moto au bout d’un mois pour ce problème. Ils m’ont inventé une raison en disant que les 6 bougies ont été changées, et qu’il est probable que la panne ait disparu.
Je les ai contactés pour leur dire que la panne était toujours présente, et ils m’ont dit que Triumph ne savait pas comment résoudre l’incident. Et voilà..
Mine never starts on the first try if it's sat for a day. Like, 0% chance of success. Doesn't matter if the weather is warm and it's been on a tender. It starts on the second go 100% of the time.

But then, every Euro bike I've owned struggled to start, including my current Tiger. My Japanese bikes and Harleys never have. No idea what the difference could be.
Mine never starts on the first try if it's sat for a day. Like, 0% chance of success. Doesn't matter if the weather is warm and it's been on a tender. It starts on the second go 100% of the time.

But then, every Euro bike I've owned struggled to start, including my current Tiger. My Japanese bikes and Harleys never have. No idea what the difference could be.
Too lean at start due to emission controls.