Triumph Owners Unite!!!

RC Cola was at one time bottled in North Kansas City and sponsored my brother's little league baseball team. I prefer RC Cola and always will.
Our local Triumph Riders Group BRAT fell apart after we had a fatal accident and the dealers special events person quit. 3 of us who were the only guys who came to every event tried to keep it going, but with only 3 to 6 people turning out for rides and no support from the dealer, we gave up after a couple of years of that. The 3 of us still ride together all the time.

I would be interested in the HTOC, but I don't want to do it though FaceBook. YUK !
Hello Guys
In Europe we have Rocket club for each main country : The R3 Owners Club in England , the German Rocketten in Germany and the french Rocket Club in France . Some people belongs to the 3 clubs but the main problem is language . As you probably know that it's not everybody who speak english . So clownery as facebook are not very useful . What most of people ask is technical information and tutorials for maintenance , in this domain facebook is sh....t and that get Zuckerberg richer . So most people avoid it
Problem with RAT no one was really interested, sure a few tried to keep things going but it was like flogging a dead horse. Harley has the dealership network and brand loyalty and boy they sure know how to use it.