Triumph Oval Mirrors

krothnbrg said:
Funny... I post about my mirrors and I get asked about the cup holder.
You'll find it here
Though I could swear that I only spent $12.00 for it

Lol, thanks. I would've asked about the mirrors, but I put the Honda ones on less than a month ago. Great looking mirrors, btw. And I feel your pain about the complexity of the job- I know just enough mechanically to break something.
Looking at mirror change myself. What's the info on purchasing the VTX mirrors, how much, and what needs to be done to adapt them to the R3?
tazoom said:
Looking at mirror change myself. What's the info on purchasing the VTX mirrors, how much, and what needs to be done to adapt them to the R3?

Yes, how much and where can we get them. This looks like it might be worth while.

BTW: What in the world is this "iPhone" you speak of??? Is that the one with the quick spin rotary dial and and the olive green plastic?

Funny! The iPhone is a present day device designed to obliderate all human contact and limit communications to the digital world. I'm actually using it to type this response.