Triumph Motorcycles Announces 2009 New Models

It's not nearly as bad as that baby blue one they came out with in , 02 I believe? That color wasn't around long.
And what blue is it you have on your Rocket if not baby blue. I had a VW 411 wagon in the early 80s that I painted the same blue. Without the flames. It produced it's own flames

Grafted from the local dealer's site: "Triumph’s Bonneville range has also been given a serious makeover. The iconic model celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2009, and Triumph is marking the occasion with a limited edition model. Just 650 Bonneville T100 50th Anniversary models will be produced in a unique orange and blue color scheme that echoes the 1959 original. Based on the standard T100, the Anniversary model features a host of detail changes and comes with a numbered handlebar-mounted plaque and a certificate of authenticity signed by John Bloor, the owner of Triumph Motorcycles Ltd."
Hey.. Mines "Petty Blue" as in Richard Petty... Sounds tougher than Baby Blue anyways... That Bonnie was more of a Powder Blue.. lol
A little more info...

The Republican-American Lifestyle New in 2009: Harley caters to baby boomers, Triumph gets down 'n' dirty

I had two Meriden Triumphs, including a 1970 TR6R, and also a 2004 Bonnie, which was an infinitely better bike than the original. With the TOR's, it sounded very close to the original.