About a year ago Triumph removed the Triumph dealership from the best bike dealer in Colorado Springs and gave it to one that was questionable at best. Then today I went by the new dealer to purchase a part only to find that they had also were no longer a Triumph dealer. So I ask were to I by parts and get warranty work done. The great answer was go to Denver which is about 1.5 hours north. since I didn't buy my bikes from them I didn't take it to the next level but the entire think makes no since. The first dealer sold a lot of bikes and there service was great as for the second I can't comment on them but now we don't have a dealer anywhere close. I am not sure but in my way of thinking that is not a good business model.
Who knows...it could be as simple as the original dealer having personality differences with someone at Triumph. The only dealership in Miami also no longer is Triumph and just BMW. They were supposed to open another dealer in Miami...that was eight months ago. You would think in large populated areas where we both are that they would want to be represented.
Who knows...it could be as simple as the original dealer having personality differences with someone at Triumph. The only dealership in Miami also no longer is Triumph and just BMW. They were supposed to open another dealer in Miami...that was eight months ago. You would think in large populated areas where we both are that they would want to be represented.
You just have to wonder who is in charge. You can't sell bikes with out dealers and it sure make it tuff if you want to go on road trips if something breaks.
Triumph started kicking smaller dealers loose a while back, with demands that the stores keep multiple bikes on display at all times. That kind of made it impossible for small shops. My local shop also, a small operation but with super-professional guys working there who do all kinds of engine and mechanical overhauls and tuning as well, lost dealership status. Never mind 1.5 hours, for me getting to a licensed dealer and back is basically a day trip.
I will quit complaining as I am sure it will fall on deaf ears. It still makes no since even if a dealer only can sell 20 bikes a year it is still better than zero. As for the all the other stuff they want the dealers to have all they need to do is set up a 24/7 web site where you can get it on line and have next day shipping if you want. Which they almost already have if they would add the OEM parts as well.