Triumph GT windscreen on the R, worth it or buffeting?

Hi. Can I please ask what screen you have fitted - looks good to me. Thank you
It's the middle Powerbronze (UK) Screen, 475mm I believe or there abouts. I have the 320mm one too which works very well... I prefer the look without any screens TBH, but I alos prefer some wind protection.
After the positive comments I made about the powerbronze extended screen, I take them back. Cleaning shield after ride today see about a 2.5 inch crack near screw on bottom screen. Internal, cannot feel it on outside.
Will be getting a different one.
After the positive comments I made about the powerbronze extended screen, I take them back. Cleaning shield after ride today see about a 2.5 inch crack near screw on bottom screen. Internal, cannot feel it on outside.
Will be getting a different one.
Crap! That is my main concern. I don't know if it will make a 1200 mile trip. I have come to like the looks although it appears too flimsy.
I agree. If it was one piece it would have a better flow. If you like it that's all that matters.
Here's my mid screen.
I assume this is the powerbronze mid screen? Appearance to me is better than larger screen any brand.
Since mine cracked I am going to revisit the stock screen. Compare hwy riding. At worst just build my lats a little more.
It is still very usable so I won't trash yet. Someone did say though that their bottom piece split in half.
that would have been mind, it started with a small crack, i drilled it to stop it, then a new one formed, drilled, that one, then one day, the whole thing developed a new crack, and that one split all the way up. when i called PowerBronze, nevermind the fact i had purchased multiple windshields from them, and when i contacted them, it was told, nice to hear from you, sucks to be you, have a nice day the bottom screen isn't thick enough to support everything, but it is what it is, i will never use another powerbronze product again, lesson learned
I sent powerbronze and email with pic of cracked part. Within a couple hours replied new part in the mail. Wonder why not for you.
I am really liking looks with oem now though.ha!