According to the Puig website, theirs is 360mm X 375mm at the widest and tallest points. The OEM is about 280mm X 347mm, but the widest point on the OEM is higher than on the Puig, so that may have a big affect on things. The height difference of 28mm (just over 1”) doesn’t sound like a whole lot, but it might be enough to be helpful. I like the way it looks, and might end up trying it out. Combining it with the clip on spoiler that Guapete mentioned in #171 of this thread might make for a great combo that looks nice.
I ended up hearing back from Calsci about the fit of my windshield, and they pointed out that I had the R version of the windshield and was mounting it on a GT. I didn’t even realize there were different models, I was glad that I wasn’t just nuts and that the holes were, in fact, not right. They offered to exchange it, which is great. Though, it took a week to hear back from them on the first question, and now I’m waiting again to hear back about the proper address and process for the return. We’ll see how it ends up...