Triumph fly shield sale

Mine came with one Rocket X No 74. Gonna get the brackets and such (top fork tree) powder coated in this next upgrade. Rode to work one day with the Fly screen off to adjust the headlights (Daymakers) it does make a difference with the fly screen mounted. Dam$ sound like a snob. Not. Just a lowlife.

Haha it took me six months to even find an R3R. Utah is the land of Harley Sportsters and really bad MC names. I'm pretty sure 883s run wild in the mountains here. We all can't have X editions.
50,000 thousand miles later and still no heartaches. Saw the dam% thing on the web advertisement and wife saw my tears (Drunk) Next thing i know is riding the beast up from Texas. Made a few changes and ain't done yet. Go figure. Got one of those Harley what ever Hel* if it has two wheels am game. Prefer the rocket.
That’s a great deal, thanks

Just hoping they’ll ship to the UK, have asked the question as they are more than twice that price over here.
Thanks for the tip but have you ever tried conversing with him? Just don’t makes no sense.

Speaking to a guy in derby, triumph custom parts and he’s waiting for the brackets, so will go with him but I just fancied an OEM one, especially at that price.
Know what you mean! The USA has much better prices and availability of ALL spares and accessories. Here in the UK we get the scraps and the bits nobody else wants. Just a 3rd world country as far as Rocket parts are concerned. I had to have a new clutch fitted last year. It was quicker and cheaper to get one from the states than wait for one from a UK supplier..the mind boggles!!
I’ve got one I never put on my roadster, and since it passed away I guess I can start parting with some things. Have a touring now and that won’t work.