All VERY good advice!!!!
don't worry all those facts already circulate in my head and nothing is set in concrete yet hence the thread to hear others experiences might even end up buying a GS BMW

Nothing in your head is concrete....??????
Ha Ha Ha I mean't my choice is not set yet, trust you to read it the other way, ... now you behave yourself or No Pumpkin Soup for you
Funny - he's been talking this week about selling it!
Funny - he's been talking this week about selling it!
see what he wants please, I am very interested as long the price is reasonable, he'll have to be carefull starting it the first time after sitting there so long, anyway let me know what he is asking
I can hardly wait to see a CT on an Explorer!!!

On a serious note: ya may take a gander at the Honda VFR1200X.
My bro got one and tis a fast well handling bike with all the stability stuff.

Dunno about stable....... in Leakey, every time I looked up he was sideways
Dunno about stable....... in Leakey, every time I looked up he was sideways

Twas two tip overs he did within 20 minutes!
Both the result of riding a new motor with a TALL saddle.
The last one where he fell into the gas pump and was totally stuck between his motor and the pump yelling like the fly with Vincent Prices head, "Help me - help me!" still gives me a laugh and plenty ammo every time I harpoon him with the memory!
Get a chook chaser AND come back to the fold. Looks like it may be similar to your old one just a better colour Blue and a Classic to boot.
Classic 2007, KMs: 64000, Registered: HY937 Expiry 16/07/2017

Ballarat Vic is not too far away. Asking $8500.

Crap photo but one owner, OEM Screen, same as your old mirrors, aftermarket blinkers, Thunderbike? TT handle bars, aftermarket exhaust ???, towbar, Leather pannier with chrome cages, etc.

Triumph rocket 3 classic. | Motorcycles | Gumtree Australia Ballarat City - Delacombe | 1147159388
64000Ks you "might" be buying some other poor bastards heartache , or you may pick up a good one, its a bit of a lottery, you can buy one new and still get stuck with a time bomb,