Triumph a Show No-Show

They werent too free with the R3 test ride .... I'm sure you all got pretty much the same "let's be sure you can handle this bike" quiz.
Like, "what bikes have you owned?" and "how long have you been riding?" and finally "have you ever ridden a bike this size before?".
I got a kick out of the rental program they have on the website, must show proof of history riding large bikes before they will rent you an R3.
But all in all Triumph was more eager to have you get on and go try it out than any other store I visited. Even when It's in for service, I get the feeling I'm geing sold another bike because I'm offered one to run around on while I wait. That's pretty cool but it would be better if it was truely a "loaner" and I could take it home for the night so I didn't have to hang around. They get kind of "well, that's along way home for you, maybe you should just wait till yours is done", like they don't want the 100 extra miles put on it since I live so far away.