Triumph a Show No-Show


.060 Over
Apr 21, 2008
Belmont, CA
I went to the Cycle World motorcycle show in San Mateo about 10 days ago, and for the third year in a row Triumph was not there exhibiting its products. This is the biggest national show, it travels to eight or ten cities drawing thousands of paying visitors at each location and Triumph has apparently decided it's not worth the money to buy a space. Every manufacturer except KTM was there, and KTM had a large display last year. Even Ural had a display! What's up with the marketing department at Triumph?:kk:
I agree. I was at the motorcycle show in Novi, Michigan and no Triumph at all. What is going on?? You would think that Triumph would take any opportunity to promote its product. I specifically went there to check out their bikes...and was very surprised to not see them.

They should wake up and get their bikes out there....with the amount of people attending its a no brainer.:confused:

Hopefully some execs at Triumph will read these posts or at least pay attention to this site...
I think that they were trying to arrange a motorcycle show over here in Kandahar but no one so far has signed up...what could they possibly be afraid of over here?


3-7 dtg Kandahar
10 dtg Dubai
11 dtg Home
The US has a bad rep lately, some of the other kids on the block don't want to bring their toys over and play with us. :(
IMS Shows

I think that local dealers sometimes get together to do a show. It depends on where you live. For example, my dealer from Charlotte will be at the Greenville, S.C show in January of 2010. I know this because I get to participate. So if anyone is coming to the show in Greenville, I'll see you there. Please stop by and say hi!!

(aka) Steve Palmer
Charlotte RAT Pack Leader.
Well, taken at face value, the two on the motorcycle (more than likely a "scooter" in these parts...usually cycles over here are rarely over 150cc) if they ignored the hand gestures, warning shot(s) and then accelerated then they became candidates for the "Darwin Awards" from Afghanistan. The troops over here take no chances, they try and minimize "collateral damage" as much as humanely possible but these two appear to have a death wish and I cannot say that I am surprised at the result.


3-7 dtg Kandahar
9 dtg Dubai
10 dtg Home
The Shows are local participants according to Atlanta's in 07'. The moniker is doing the Truck at events and that is fine with them. A small outfit that wants to keep a steady growth profile and customer base. Let the product sell itself by word and sight is not doing nothing in itself. Dedicated rag ads and articles help as well. Mr Bloor is keeping his cards close and I think with the results he is looking for.
Does anybdy here have any idea how much it costs to do just ONE major show, especially in the USA.. :eek:
Triumph uses it's money in magazine adverts and the Triumph tour trucks that drive all over the country all year.. They also designate demo bikes at every dealer (most bends do NOT do this) IMHO, it's money better spent than seeing a bike at a silly show full of other brands..
That is a good way of looking at it, as you mentioned most brands do not allow demo rides unless you leave them with a check for the full amount. Though I have heard that a lot of Harley dealerships will take them for a spin, some Gold Wing dealers as well.


2-6 dtg Kandahar
8 dtg Dubai
9 dtg Home (single digit midget time and a birthday boy day)