Triumph 2007?

Hey Sidecar,the guy took it off his beemer to put it on the classic.From what I could gather,not actualy talking about losing guys in Iraq but saying enough that it was a given.Sure he knew about the warrenty issue,and I think I know the dealer well enough that if anything did go wrong it would be covered.I tend to cut combat vets a little slack as I'm sure other merchants and associations do as well.After all,they put thier keester on the line for us,the least we can do is reciprocate in kind.I left about 10 min. later and caught up with him,and a happier guy and dog you couln't have seen.

I understand Bloor has no intention of making Triumph into a Honda or H-D and will not expand production to anywhere near 6-figure numbers no matter what. That means if Triumphs ever do become extremely popular with the mainstream, we (their traditional customers) will suffer what HD customers had to endure for quite a few years after they became trendy with the poseurs. That is, you will have to wait 2 years or pay outrageous prices in order to get one. Don't know about you...but I sure hope that does NOT happen!
Gay blade, oops, I mean Bart

BanjoBart said:
I thought that red and cream was the gay color scheme. So if I get one, too, will my sister get jealous?


Get the Tribal Blue R3. Then it'll match my "Gay" T100.

You haven't got it yet??? Last time I saw you, you said "for sure"....Pussing out again or is it you can't ride a big cruiser other than a VTX?.:flame:

On the subject of "gay", your Speedy is pretty "gay".
The sales guy is working on me, I should have a Rocket III home by the end of the month. The 4.9% finance deal saves me $1300 over current market interest rates.

I am thinking red. I guess that is the hemaphrodite color, or is it the transgender?
Color blind??

BanjoBart said:
The sales guy is working on me, I should have a Rocket III home by the end of the month. The 4.9% finance deal saves me $1300 over current market interest rates.

I am thinking red. I guess that is the hemaphrodite color, or is it the transgender?


Red is the fast color. Red & Cream is the old farts color(s).
I just noticed on their website that Triumph dropped the price of the 2007 Rocket III by a thousand dollars. That would be what the 4.9% finance offer cost them. With this price drop I assume the 4.9 % offer expires 9/30/06.

I presume you are right. The price drop only applies to the R3 standard and not the Classic (per Pigg9r).

Sounds like you'd better get on the stick. Snooze & loose. Besides, seeing as we probably will be riding together on occasion, I prefer to have the only Classic, "gay" or not.