Treating years of yuck in the tank

Unfortunately it is my side car rig, lol. Apparently acetone removes the Pors. My buddy is an ace mechanic in some ways, but often careless, I suspect he didn't preclean the tank well. I also have an extra tank, but with a dent and wrong color.
When I was younger, I used it in a VW tank - turned out just like you said. Helped my dad do his years later and it's still looking pretty good. Just like painting and/or drywall......prep is KEY!! the amount of OCD you exhibit during prep in proportional to the time it lasts at least IME.

All this being said, any tank sealer is just buying time, replacement is best, but I'm usually too big of a tight wad.
My old mate I bought my sidecar from resealed his pinholed BMW tank before re-painting. It is still solid and not leaking 30 years later.
Well then, I'm going to blame the ethanol. My daughter had it for a year and never started it, too.
Hey warp9.9 ~ Thank you for explaining the procedure; it certainly makes sense. You may have added a few more miles to my engine as a result
Hi Kojack ~ thank you for sharing the product info & link for KBS. I haven't heard of this sealer before. I have used Caswell (very good) and Kreem (not so good). I will look more into KBS... if it makes more sense to use it instead of Caswell I will try it. As you know, our R3 tanks are large and bulky so anything I use will be given a full workout. Others have suggested not to use a sealer at all if there isn't sufficient cause. Once I actually get underway with the rust removal I can better judge if a sealer makes sense. FYI: if you didn't notice a previous comment I posted, there's a link to removing rust by electrolysis. I am considering attempting this process; if I do I will report my findings to the forum.