@sonny This discussion reminds me of my own angst watching the videos of the amazing progress at SpaceX with the Starship development in Boca Chica, Texas (and elsewhere).
Or just yesterday, I was behind a Lamborghini (only as long as he was stuck in traffic) and amazed at how low it sat, and the decel pop obviously intended by the constructor, and how I could no longer imagine owning one.
You said you've followed the wonderful descriptive history of
@R-III-R Turbo 's development of his stroker and six-speed gear.
As yet, the 6th gear exists only as polymer printed parts you see in the videos.
Several people have contacted Robinson (I've spoken to him several times) asking him to set up to make the parts (there are only three, and even he says they're not complicated).
My hope is that you contacting him could push him over the edge of making the parts.
The only less-than-obvious aspect of this, is that R-III-R Turbo having made the investment to develop the intellectual property, he has requested Robinson to acknowledge the license. Robinson has not responded to this. He hasn't said 'no'. He just hasn't responded.
I suggest you call Robinson on a weekday morning, mid-morning, and when you reach him, be as cordial as you can, and let him know you have money to put down on the 6th gear kit, which you would like to have back with the rest of your transmission parts - letting him know in the process your bike with 68,000 miles has "bit the fourth", and you're looking for his excellent treatment of the shafts, undercut gears, and larger circlips. And in case he didn't hear it the first time, you'd like the 6th gear parts added to your parts that he ships back.
And remind him, there are four more (or so) orders waiting for the 6th gear parts (which, like yours, will be a complete makeover with undercut gears, billet 4th - he supplies - shafts fitted with larger circlips facing the right way).
Let us know what you find.
For the stroker part - R-III-R Turbo has that running. Just contact him, and y'all can come to some agreement I'm sure that will get you the parts and his beautiful instructions.
All the BEST to you !