Transmission went south

Whatever happened to " Badge, I don't want no stinking badges"
Text corrected in the interests of Truth, Fact and reputations!

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Did you just butcher a Blazing Saddles reference or have I missed something?
You have cams to suit the stroker? Coupled with a proper cam set, that engine should be a real stump puller.

Cams I leave to the cam experts. Exhausts I leave to exhaust experts. The objective of the Stroker kit was to develop only what is necessary to upgrade the engine from 2.3L to 2.5L, as it should have been from the factory, or at least as it should have been as a factory optional extra. This package is now my specialist area - nobody else does anything like it.

Cams are not my expertise, those packages (well developed I might add) are available from Lush Racing, Carpenter Racing, etc.
But I do understand that more torques and horses can be freed up by cams to suit the bigger engine... but..........but........ where does one stop (in terms of the Stroker package, that is)?
Do I also change out the pistons for higher compression ones? Do I also include a better design header or a less restrictive intake?
All of these are available already. But they can be taken farther by the Stroker kit than they can on their own, courtesy of the extra cubic inches. There is no replacement for displacement as they say.

I am looking forward to seeing what happens when coupled with a good set of cams, looks like Sonny will do just that. The torques are going to be impressive for a NA engine....
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