Thanks to this forum
When i got this bike it was cutting out. After checking many possible causes, i replaced the tps and its cured.
By consulting the forum i discovered i had tors installed (its not that obvious).
Got set up with tuneecu and how to use it. Updated my tune. Modified fuel trim and secondaries.
And the clutch adjustment.
I would have been groping in the dark and probably not figured it out yet.
I’ve probably featured on a number of these threads! I put risers and a new clutch cable on mine and had lots of trouble and thought the detent had gone. I thought I’d done all the right adjustments in accordance with the manual. Same symptoms, clunky, jumping out of first etc. Got the detent spring checked by the dealer in Cheltenham. They found no fault however when I got it back, after they had refitted and adjusted it was dramatically improved. It’s not perfect but much much better. Sadly haven’t ridden it much since so hopefully it’ll still be when we can all start riding again!
I’ve probably featured on a number of these threads! I put risers and a new clutch cable on mine and had lots of trouble and thought the detent had gone. I thought I’d done all the right adjustments in accordance with the manual. Same symptoms, clunky, jumping out of first etc. Got the detent spring checked by the dealer in Cheltenham. They found no fault however when I got it back, after they had refitted and adjusted it was dramatically improved. It’s not perfect but much much better. Sadly haven’t ridden it much since so hopefully it’ll still be when we can all start riding again!
I guess i take for granted the warm climate i live in. But in the summer it very unpleasant to ride in the daytime. The air just feels like a blast furnace when riding. Also it get pretty hot with the cooling fan blasting eng heat on yur legs. But right now its beautiful.
Grab the cable at top right before adjuster knob and pull away from clutch handle, warp9 taught me this method, 2.8mm shifts like butter but may clunk sometimes for whatever reason but its how easy is it to find neutral, that should be flawless, smooth, and not hard to find neutral, that normally tells me clutch is out, needs adjusment when neutral is hard to find