Trans went

Well @verticalspark you have a bunch of guys waiting to see what happened. Glad to hear there was warranty available for the van. Concerning the bike, at least you haven't given up on the Rocket like a few others. Great fortitude. Once you find the culprit and fix the problem, you'll be a better man and have much more appreciation for your Triumph. Even if nothing is found with the final drive/shaft coupling, it gives you peace of mind knowing a potential failure mechanism is OK. Getting to know the beast is part of the fun of owning it. If it is a tranny problem, make sure you post some pics and keep us informed. There is a wealth of experience on this forum and the gang are more than willing to help.
Before pulling the sump, I had to come back in to check that I wasn't missing any bolts. And I see now that I have them all out so I will be heading back out with my rubber mallet and will take upload some pictures of what I find.
Alright, for those still sticking around to find out what happened. I dropped the sump and found small chunks. So while it's not as broken as some (probably due to breaking during the 3-2 downshift at low speeds), its still broken. I tried to take better pics but oil is everywhere. I put the sump back on the bike with a handful of screws and made sure the drains were snug so the engine will be sealed until I get around to doing whatever I am going to do with it.

I have two options. The first is to tear apart the current engine and fix the trans. The downside to this is that I no longer have a garage or a workbench and I don't exactly have a lot of time between work and school. Making this option cheaper but less likely to happen.
The second option is to buy an engine and swap them out and hope that engine hold until I have the time to fix and/or upgrade the current broken engine over the next year and then swap them back out.
There are a few engines on ebay and the cheapest ends in a few hours but its being sold by an account that has no reviews so thats a bit sketchy for me.
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Pretty common in western NY, coming off Lake Erie. 79 mph is the highest I've seen, blew a tree onto my house. And people say " but we don't have hurricanes".
Pretty common in western NY, coming off Lake Erie. 79 mph is the highest I've seen, blew a tree onto my house. And people say " but we don't have hurricanes".
Oh, I heard the winds get insane up there. I was in Colorado Springs about eight years ago, and we had a day where the average was 67mph and clocked at 102 on the top of NORAD. It flipped a row of tractor-trailers right next to Ft Carson, ripped my 8ft gate out of the 6x6 uprights, and tossed it into a neighbor's yard.

You're only going to save a couple of hours by swapping engines. Once the engine is separated from the frame it doesn't take very long to flip it over remove the clutch, alternator etc and split the cases. Of course you have to then assess the damage and wait 3 or 4 years to get parts.

If you factor in the time spent sourcing/collecting the replacement engine there may not be too much difference between the options.
After digging and messaging, I will hit up the "new" engine. My bike currently has 88k, and the current engine I am looking at has 22k. For a few hundred more than the parts, I can get an engine that has 1/4 the miles (assuming the seller is truthful and it does run and shift). The big thing for me is time. I am currently working 50+ hours a week and have just started my senior year of my bachelor degree. So even the fact that its building season, I have the knowledge to tear apart the engine and rebuild it, and I have all the tools that could be required, I simply don't have the amount of time needed as I use the bike as a secondary (let's be honest, primary) vehicle. And with my van going to be in the shop till mid-February, I would use the rocket every day. But now I'm down to a single vehicle.
This will allow me to keep the engine with the trashed trans and start looking into building a stronger/more powerful engine over the next few years and swap or keep that engine for parts. Swapping seems to be my best option and the one I am currently looking at.