Trans went

Under 1500 rpm? That is below good operating rpm, in other words lugging. This motor prefers above 2000.
Under 1500 rpm? That is below good operating rpm, in other words lugging. This motor prefers above 2000.
Im talking about when I am pulling away or I am letting it sit and idle. I dont ride below 2k. Take idling for example, if i start it and let it sit, it idles around 850-950 and then it starts to run rich and drops to 600-700 and then dies.
Spray wd40 or cleaner on thersl linkage
Especially at the front where the cables connect do wot and let fly.
I have had a high idle several times and never done a thing other than spray and let fly
I will spray everything again. I am going to pop the tank and dump everything and swap injectors when I get back but I dont have time to deal with it right now.
I will spray everything again. I am going to pop the tank and dump everything and swap injectors when I get back but I dont have time to deal with it right now.

You don't have to spray everything again just the one up front that is sticking.
I'm still not sure if you did away with the stepper (easiest to leave it in place and just remove the linkage) and then adjusted the idle screw manually,

OR, if you got the stepper working. In that case you should be able to set it with TuneEcu to the proper setting and it will take over idle if clean/sprayed and in working order.

If one or the other then it does sound like it could be sticking.

If it's dropping down to 600 I'm guessing that you are using the stepper and it's either not adjusted or sticking.

If it's running well above idle then it sounds like the TPS fixed you up there.
So I left the stepper on, cleaned it and sprayed it. But when using the TuneEcu, to get to the correct voltage, I have to loosen it until there is no tension on the spring, and its a little loose. It wouldn't idle turned all the way out (with the correct voltage) so I tightened it back until there was tension back in the spring and it idles fine now but its outside the proper voltage range. I have the one on the donor engine and I will most likely swap it out tomorrow afternoon if its still acting up tomorrow to see if that fixes the issue.

Yes, the TPS seems to have helped. The old TPS would only read down to 2 or 3% even after I tried to set it multiple times.
Question, Does your stepper motor make noise? When you turn the key on, does it make noise as it actuates back and forth, waiting for the bike to start?

I just cleaned mine again and noticed it was making a fair amount of noise compared to what it was (or what I remember).
Okay, so going to go out on a limb to say that the stepper is the problem. It's been a while since I had the Roadster (and someone will correct me if I'm wrong), but I think based on what you described that you've adjusted the stepper so it's pushing on the idle mechanism at rest, but when it does it's thing, thinking the bike is warming up, it releases that tension which is below idle. Or, something like that

Try swapping the stepper, readjust in TuneEcu, and I'll bet "all your wishes will come true."

I think that the noise you here most is themotor and secondarys throttle bodies plates moving. You also have the fuel pump energized for a couple seconds and the steper motor retracting then extending.
Don't worry about the noise mine pretty loud.