Trans went

I’m in nags head NC right now. The beginning of the week was brutal! Land breeze, bugs and 100 percent humidity! It has been beautiful the last two days.
I am trying to get the bike finished by Sunday as I plan on being up by the Tail of the Dragon next weekend. If I can't get the rocket up I will have to ride my wife's Kawasaki Vulcan S and its not a very comfortable bike for long trips.
I am trying to get the bike finished by Sunday as I plan on being up by the Tail of the Dragon next weekend. If I can't get the rocket up I will have to ride my wife's Kawasaki Vulcan S and its not a very comfortable bike for long trips.
If it's your first time up this way do TOD so you can say that you did it and enjoy the zoo while you're at it. I was just there two days ago. Most locals will agree that there are better rides all around "these here hills." Shout out if you want suggestions....
Hope you get to take the Rocket.
Well, she runs and drives again! There are still some issues that I need to take care of such as a slow oil leak from the oil filter, top off the radiator fluid, and add some other pieces back on like the bags, and pannels. And the poor fuel issue is still there at low rpm until I start riding it so either the tune from the other engine is bad, or I still have some old gas in the tank, or I have a picky injector.
I would happily take some suggestions. I am going up there with my cousin and some of his buddies riding smaller bikes (150-400cc bikes) but I can putt around at 30mph all day and enjoy the roads
@rainman and @Dr.D should chime in, as well...

I'm not sure how long you have, so I'll try to stay in the general TOD area.... In no certain order, except for #1
1) The Snake- this is IMO the finest stretch of blacktop I've ever come across. As if built custom for us... it's between Mountain City, TN and Bristol on Hwy 421.
2) The Rattler from (or to) Hot Springs, NC Hwy 209
3) The Devil's Triangle- starts at Brushy Mountain State Prison in Petros, TN.
4) Aces and Eights - @rainman can give you info on this one.
5) So many more- let us know where all you plan to be and we can suggest more. I have several just miles from my house. It's Disneyland around here.

Be on the lookout for a physical map (Wild Rides) that has tons of routes (free). I would think that the shop at the start of TOD has them, but they're widely available in motorcycle related places and even restaurants in the entire region.
Don’t worry about the hurricanes and nor’easter its the Fn humidity that’s the hardest thing to get use to!
And then there's Florida. Humidity goes to 100% every night.
Spent the early 80's framing in Houston and Tampa/St pete and if SC is anything like that, yikes.
Framed in Dallas in 1980 when they had 21 or 24 days in a row over 100. Me, a Yankee fresh out of Buffalo, NY, had never seen triple digits in my life
The patience you guys have!!! It's no wonder i'm a carpenter and my problems are resolved by getting a bigger hammer. My wife thinks we want move to SC from the chicago suburbs, but it sounds like the weather can be a bit of a challenge?
I have lived in lots of different places around the country and I really do love South Carolina. The winter isnt too cold, the summers are hot but not for too long, and the spring and summer are perfect. But @Jag has it correct, the humidity is a real b*tch.