Trailering the RIII

you are making me nervous about my next mexican winter!

I have driven all over Mexico from Nogales to Manzanillo for 12 years.
Thousands of times I considered riding my motor in Mexico.
Tis beautiful, people are terrific and the roadways are so-so. Topas are horrible! They blend into the road and are often unmarked with no advance warning signs! I have unexpectedly struck many of them with a car. The impacts have cost me two shock and one tire replacement. They would have absolutely sent me flying off my motor!
The roadway designs and laws are very different and definitely take some miles to get used to.
Driving at night is like playing Russian Roulette! Roads are very dark with none to little ambient light.
Bicycles and pedestrians move along the fog lines where you suddenly pass them within just 2-3 feet!
Drivers in Mexico are horrible and the traffic laws are frequently not followed. There is NO right of way - me first always with turns across your path.
There is NO tort law like in the US and Canada, so you will likely not financially recover from a crash or theft - even with the required Mexican "insurance".
Theft is rampant and believe me any American or Canadian flashes RICH! in their eyes.
I STRONGLY advise you nor ride motor in Mexico!
You know me - I am an crazy adventurer and not afraid to take chances.
After much thought over all these years, I will not take my motor to Mexico!
Best Regards,
Where is the fearless Toro i know????
I drove down south last december, 750 miles south of the border, from Laredo to the state of zacatecas and Jalisco, no problems at all, the check point was there but just to ask us if we were having a good trip, it is better than it was a few years back
I understand your point of view maybe @mexican can enlighten us on the latest road environment in mexico
I understand your point of view maybe @mexican can enlighten us on the latest road environment in mexico

I guess there is indeed a limit to my crazyness.
You are vulnerable riding a motor.
In Mexico it is tremendamente peligrosa!
Montar a caballo con ningún arma hace las cosas aún peor.
(riding with no gun makes things even worse)
I guess there is indeed a limit to my crazyness.
You are vulnerable riding a motor.
In Mexico it is tremendamente peligrosa!
Montar a caballo con ningún arma hace las cosas aún peor.
(riding with no gun makes things even worse)
did'nt to translate we are after all multilingua camarade!