TR3 down-DFW shop recommendations sought

Just a quick tip - take it FWIW. If you were helmeted and the helmet sustained the least little contact with any solid object - including pavement, make sure to claim it on the insurance claim. Helmets, once they have made contact, have done their job and should be disposed of. They are not intended to protect multiple blows. The insurance company WILL allow the helmet claim, especially if there is external signs of contact with solid objects. They will pay for a new one - but will insist on taking possession of and destroying the old one.

You probably knew this already, but what good is having a lawyer on this site if he can't spout off now and again!


The above does not constitute legal advice. It is posted for general informational purposes only. No attorney-client relationship is formed by the posting of this material and you have no right to rely on it. I am probably not licensed to practice as an attorney in the jurisdiction where you reside. If these issues affect you - you should seek competent legal counsel in the jurisdiction where you reside. The law varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and what is stated here may or may not constitute the law in your jurisdiction.

So there!
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What Bull said. That is why I won't ride without a motor guard.

Them bars (well, the one on the left side) sure saved my motor from further damage. Even the front fender was not touched!
Only the bar end , clutch lever and mirror were scraped up a little. The left pannier saved the rear end from damage.
Just waiting for the new engine bars to arrive in order to begin repairs and improvements to the Bruiser.
Getting stoked about the bike again AND the prospect of soon saddling up.
Shannons Insurance here in Auss replaced one I was wearing this time last year when I was forced to take evasive action and put "The Mistress" down the road

OK Mouthpiece, I get it.
My helmet bounced down the roadway pretty good for 20 feet or more and WILL be replaced.
FYI - I had a worse dump years ago on my Ninja. My top line full face Bell was replaced new by Bell no charge.
No insurance involved here. I have insurance; but, chose to fix it on my own since it was after all, my fault.
Best Regards,
PS: Do you run a car tire?
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How do you put a square root in round a hole
How do you put a square root in round a hole

Great question!
I been trying to do just that my whole life.
Got me in a lotta trouble and caused me a lotta stress!
Being young ain't so fun sometimes.
Ok, as promised I'm sending and update to bike repair. Here's the good, the bad, and the ugly. I ended up going to the Plano Triumph dealership for the repair and worked with Jake from the service dept. Jake is a good guy and customer focused. My bike insurance is through the Lizzard company and to be honest they weren't too bad. A few issues but we worked them out along the way. I originally had my concern about going to Plano Triumph because of this review from Tim Frazier: Apparently they had his bike for over 3 months and he was not happy with the repair work. Tim, btw, has a great blog about his life on his Rocket as well as other things such as tech toys. I highly recommend that you check it out. Anyway, Plano Triumph had my bike for over 3 months. Yes, it was only bolt on parts that had to be replaced but it was the combination of weird things that caused delay after delay. The worst was Corbin. I needed a new fairing because the old one couldn't be fixed. Corbin only makes them once an order is placed. Typically they are made and shipped within 4 weeks. 6 weeks later I called them to see why it is taking so long and it was because I had the added misfortune of having my bike accident in the winter. It seems Corbin has a winter speed of developing things and a spring speed. It took 2 months to get the fairing from Corbin. The bike is back and looks great. I'm getting used to the weight and power of it again. Life is good. Pics are forthcoming.