Just a quick tip - take it FWIW. If you were helmeted and the helmet sustained the least little contact with any solid object - including pavement, make sure to claim it on the insurance claim. Helmets, once they have made contact, have done their job and should be disposed of. They are not intended to protect multiple blows. The insurance company WILL allow the helmet claim, especially if there is external signs of contact with solid objects. They will pay for a new one - but will insist on taking possession of and destroying the old one.
You probably knew this already, but what good is having a lawyer on this site if he can't spout off now and again!
The above does not constitute legal advice. It is posted for general informational purposes only. No attorney-client relationship is formed by the posting of this material and you have no right to rely on it. I am probably not licensed to practice as an attorney in the jurisdiction where you reside. If these issues affect you - you should seek competent legal counsel in the jurisdiction where you reside. The law varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and what is stated here may or may not constitute the law in your jurisdiction.
So there!