Look at the colour of your reservoir bottle that is the problem with your bike.

Yes was a bit shocked when I took off the bear claw.

The air duct had the same colouring along with some good scratches too.

Did see some nice looking one on here for sale.

Will get one of the boys at work to weld something up and crome it.
OK I will remove the bottle and give it a scrub as it looks pretty bad.

Busy watching girls ice skating niceand cool that 30 degrees C is just a little bit too much.

To be working on the Rocket.
Scott; My bike feels like there is more power to me without the BearClaw covering the RamAir foam. Is it my imagination?
Scott; My bike feels like there is more power to me without the BearClaw covering the RamAir foam. Is it my imagination?
Probably as it would get more fresh air all around it. I've seen some with ram air and cut claw
Well got the thing back together and tried to adjust throttle body first tuneECU would not connect, turns out the auto connection was not turned on only took 45 mins to work that one out. Then I get fault code 0202 just to make matters worse. Tried to balance and still not quite right ran around the block and it was running on two and not three cylinders.

Bit of a back fire through ramair.

Parked on the drive waiting for it to cool off and have another look.

Also does not want to idle.

What should the throttle be set at my No 2 was at 670 and dropped to 630 while 1 & 3 running at 710 could not get them anywhere near 630 as bike would stall.

Still need to do the 12 minute tune for ramair.
Fault code P0202 injector circuit malfunction .

Check the injector plug on the harness it might have come off. Its got a lock wire you push before you take it off or put it on. It might not have latched. We need ti take care of this girst as no fuel means verry lean #2 cylinder. After you fiddle with the plug clear the code via tune ecu and the see if the fault happens again. It should thro the engine light on .