Touring Rider from Germany

Welcome to the forum, first and foremost!
Excellent translation!
Personally, I like mountain music but I hope you the best with strumming hard rock. Today it is Cristy Lane and the sounds of Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and yourn
I thank you all for your warm welcome,
Its nice to read that some of you have good remindings to my country.
Especially when the German Mark was 4 Dollar.
For me is the Dollar/Euro exchange-rate better.
I can get Gibson Gitarrs, Ford Mustangs for a good price.

I live in the more flat, boring area from Bavaria. Only a few steps to the the company where Audis are built. (No, i don´t have one)
Because of our "Autobahn" its no big deal to get quick to the alps.
But I would prefer streets like the Highway Nr 1 i rode 4 years ago on a Harley E-Glide.
That was the best holydays i,ve ever had.
A Late Hello

Begrüßen. Ich gab 3 Jahre in Heidelberg und Stuttgart aus. Wenn ich es gewähren konnte, würde ich mich im Schwarzwald zurückziehen.

See, your English is probably better than my German ...... so we're even!

Herzlich willkommen ins Forum. Ich pflegte, in Friesing außerhalb Münchens zu leben. Schade, Ihr Englisch ist lieber als mein Deutsch. Ich gewann eine 2007 Rakete III Motorra


PS: THAT will probably end up on a german joke forum....Haven't really used my German in 10 years.
its been a while since I lived in germany so I won't embarass myself with what German I remember.

your English is fine. don't hesitate to post as often as you can, and if in doubt substitute a german word, we will figure it out.

I miss the wine regions of germany along the Rhine... spent a few years in openheim and Nierstein areaspent some time in Bavaria as well...
Thanks again,
@georgia, how lucky you must be to win a rocket.
you don´t live to far from my home.
about 40 miles.(north of Ingolstadt)
Here is a link to the German R3 forum.
If your can write in English as well.
or just read.

my nick there "BAZI"

Juergen the Bavarian