@Dain exhaust was installed yesterday, and run today.
I have the RAMAir installed at the same time, and loaded the
@HansO Touring De-restricting tune.
The beast is noticeably quicker -- too many variables here to apportion relative contributions to the results -- and with an authoritative note.
And it looks great -- retaining the stock heat shield covering the flex pipe from the stock down pipe to his can. The one I have, at least, is chromed along the length, just short of the weld, and the stock heat shield just does cover the weld providing continuous chrome coverage from engine all the way back.
I could have wished for a few decibels fewer. As is, I wear earplugs anyway, and as is typical with these things, cruise is o.k. -- and when the throttle is opened everyone around will know it.
As it is, normally when I return home on my bikes, my wife rarely knows I'm there. Today, when returning from the test ride, my wife said she heard me coming a block away (she was standing outside).
The bike has been lightened appreciably thanks to elimination of one muffler and the cross-over pipe.
And the price absolutely was right !
I'm a happy camper.
Thank you
@Dain !
We have the same bike. Same color and year. Would I be asking too much for you to do a video of your bike with the new pipe? What do you think about the look with just one pipe out the back?