Tough crowd..

I guess it may be just me but I don't give a rat's ass what another guy/gal rides. My only business is making me happy. I ride a Honda Valk and my '06 Rocket for me, not others. That said I do get a lot of looks from other riders at the rare event I may attend. As for others not wanting to sit on my bike, dude, I don't want others sitting on my bike or having a go with my wife. It just isn't proper.

I don't give a rat's ass what anyone else rides either, but I despise the attitude that many (if not most) Harley riders have against riders of other makes. They act like every other make is inferior just because they paid twice as much for their Harleys, when in reality it's their rides that are inferior...higher price does not equal a better machine...all they're paying for is a name and an image....

Many say this engine design is antiquated or "dead end". It is not the most complex engine by far on the market but I know of many guys personally that have hung six figure mileage on their big twins with proper maintenance. I have witnessed burn out competitions (a dumb practice in my opinion) where guys banged off their rev limiters for literally minutes on end until the back tire shredded and never seen a engine blow first, tho I am sure it has happened. Are they too expensive? YUP. Does HD cut corners on important bearings etc? YUP...Stupidly and at their own peril. However at its core if maintained somewhat respectfully this motor and tranny are good equipment, not Honda good, but I dare say Triumph good, Moto Guzzi good etc and way better than some ( Ural, Royal Enfield etc.) When I had Corvettes for years the argument was that the Chevy 2 valve V8 was a relic that would not continue to be competitive against the complex motors from competitors. However at a WAY lower price it is competitive with cars costing many times more and soundly whips many. Check out track times on the latest ZR1. I love the conversation, love the passion of motorheads. Love my new TR3t, wish they would finish getting it tuned because it is riding weather and I want to ride the big girl...
Tell me what you really think...
Thanks that was too funny, literally, LOL. Well I did say I have thick skin but ****!!!
Valk riders are about the most dedicated to their make/model of any I have known. I want to ride one and perhaps add a nice example to my family.
Valk riders are about the most dedicated to their make/model of any I have known. I want to ride one and perhaps add a nice example to my family.
I had a 2000 Valkyrie Interstate that I adored. It was big, comfortable, super dependable, fast, powerful, full of torque, and has the best looking fairing of any touring bike in my opinion. Sadly I sold it to a local cop I know because he continued to pester me to sell it to him. One day he showed me a pile of Ben Franklin's that I couldn't say no to any longer. I see him on it once in awhile and offer to but it back but he says no.
Valkyries are a nice bike would have bought one but you can not rig them with heel-toe shifters a necessity for me my left foot is fused together.

So basically you're saying that you don't mind what anyone rides as long as they don't feel or act as if they feel it's a better bike than yours?
Presumably even Harley riders didn't set out tp buy what they thought was inferior. Now if they bought their Harley on the basis that it's the biggest, fastest, best handling bike around, then they're idiots. But they are allowed to love them.
if you want to see real puke making bias, check out the M109 forum. Makes you want to not be like that (ie this).

They can feel any way they want, it's the I-wouldn't-give-you-the-time-of-day attitude that comes from a lot of the Harley guys if you don't ride a Harley that I don't like, and you can't say they don't act this way (unless you live under a mushroom)...I would never act that way towards anyone regardless of what they ride...