Tough crowd..

Wow go figure. The guy with the Harley is talking about car tires? I guess all things considered I should be doing the same. Thought about riding the Harley today but...........
It seems to me that on bikes that are straight line racers or hi way cruisers and not road racers the car tire won't make much difference. I've ridden with plenty of guys that have car tires on twisty roads and they seem to do fine. All were on big heavy bikes and you don't ride that type of bike like a DUCATI on the twisties anyway. The guys with car tires were not any slower than the rest of us and we all ride fast enough to occasionally drag the pegs. I might or might not someday try one on a Boss Hoss but I haven't as yet. I don't think I'd ever put one on the RT3, they have a narrower rear tire than the roadsters do already and they handle real good with the stock tires.