Totaled my 2014 R3T

The pending sale on the 2014 is me . I put down a deposit to hold until I can get out and look at it. My only concern is that he bought it from a seller up in Kentucky so it's an out of state transfer of title, because he never titled it in his name. He says he towed it home, rode it once & his back hurt so bad he determined that he really cant ride any more. So ... it raises a red flag but I do think he's legit so I plan to move forward with it assuming everything checks out.
Red flags are red flags for a reason. Be cautious, be diligent, be patient. Wait for the deal that feels right.
Good advice thanks! So I talked to him again & he agreed to get it titled in his name so I'd be buying from the owner with a clear title in my home state. I am gonna pay a small additional fee but it's worth it to me for the peace of mind. I've also settled with insurance who gave me a fair price & buy back on my bike so alls well .... except me ) And again thanks for all the encouragement!

Thanks all for the support. I'm getting better every day. Especially since I've finalized buying back my totaled bike (on right) and purchasing a much lower mileage replacement (on left). So I'm not recovered enough to start wrenching (though I did move my long haul seat to the new one) but on the bright side ... they're here now so I have something pretty to look at and dream about. )

Here in Texas you would need a bonded title. The did not transfer title is a big red flag. He might be a flipper posing as a private seller to avoid dealer fees and liability. Go look at it and make a title search. Go to the DMV and inquire or just type in the VIN# on any search engine. They will tell you.
I really appreciate your posting those ads. I got in touch with one, made an offer & sent a deposit! Many Thanks! If ur ever in Nashville I wanna buy u a case of beer! If bars are closed we can drink at my house )
Posting more ads for you now, did I mention I love beer and oh I’m in Nashville