After installing tors, can I run the bike, or does the factory tune have to be installed before the bike is even started, will 12 min. tune help? thanks
Yes.. You can run it for a while. I'm assuming you installed the catalytic converter eliminator too? The power will feel kind of flat, and you'll most likely get some excessive popping on decel, because you're fuel mixture is lean, but it should be fine. I ran mine that way for a week or so while I was waiting for my PC-III to come in. The 12 min tune may help some.. You'll love the sound!..
After installing tors, can I run the bike, or does the factory tune have to be installed before the bike is even started, will 12 min. tune help? thanks
If it was me personally and I wasn't getting a Tuneboy or PCIII, I would forgo the Triumph TOR tune and just do the 12 min tune. The Triumph TOR tune closes the secondaries further throughout the RPM range.
The 12 minute tune won't be enough. The bike runs too lean with the stock tune with the TORs/Cat By-Pass. I had to run this way a while when I was waiting on my PC-III. The correct fuel map makes a pretty big difference, but it's safe to run it as is for the short term.