Top 3 CTs for the R3

Apparently, just the opposite is true, GPMAZ, the narrower the rim size, the narrower profile car tire can be run and the lesser is the tendency to run on up the sidewall because of those two factors. the fatter the tire, the greater the propensity to run on its side due to its design and engineering limitations. It seem counterintuitive, but appears to be true. Of course, not having a touring model myself, I do not know if the lean angle it allows is sufficient to ride on the sidewall as is the case on my standard model. The Tourer rim will accept up to a 205 size CT. The Standard and Classic models will accept up to a 245 profile or down to a 215 on its stock rim, I believe.

Albertaduke, I can only reference your concern about liability based on my own experiences and knowledge of pertinent insurance and consumer law here in the US. My last two bikes (VTX 1800s) were both totaled in accidents my only ones in over 45 years of riding, I swear) through no fault of my own. Both had CTs on them at the time of the wrecks and the issue was never raised by either my own or the offending driver's (in one case) insurance companies, the police nor by the appaisers. Unless the use of a car tire is specifically excluded in clear language in one's policy or unless any entity can actually prove that a car tire was substantailly at fault for causing an accident or for causing any legitimate warranty work to be done (per the Magneson-Moss Act: A Businessperson's Guide to Federal Warranty Law, this is an open and shut issue, IMO.
NO T the CT is not safe when you have to make an emergeny turn and have to lean over and off the tread and onto the sidewall thats just unsafe period many times have I had to make an emergency turn to the point where I was on the sidewalls in the 3+ years of running darkside. 0

How many times did the rear slide out under moderate breaking in the 2 months while running the Metz. 3

I'll take my chances with the improved safety margin of the darkside in my riding style.

When you make a decision to run something unsafe like a car tire on a motorcycle you could be sealing the fait of others related and not related to you for you are not the only motorvehicle on the road. There just might be a time (hopefully never) where your non aggressive riding habits mean nothing to the oncomming vehicles in your sliding uncotrolable motocycles path. The family in the mini van say who might have made the decision to avoid running over you that might loose the loved ones. Is saving a few hundred dollars a year worth gambling on other peoples lifes. It is your family the ones that will have to put up with the way life can be so dramatically changed with or without you. And yes you may get away with it a few times but as with Russian Roulett you only get to loose once!!!!!!
I think that as long as your riding style keeps you consistently off the sidewalls (i.e. no pounding the twisties), you'll be OK on your CT, tdragger. Where I live and the way I like to ride from time to time, that is surely not the case, so, for me, it looks like riding on the Darkside on an R3 is not a good or a safe bet! I'm still collecting more data from our overseas brethren. To be continued!

PHIL its not my opionion I spoke to PETER at TRIUMPH he said no way will they warranty a ROCKET with a CAR TIRE on the rear so will they make an acception MAYBE they do it often dependeing on the situation but he says no so call and find out for yourself and the INSURANCE is another issue I work with Progressive and the word form them is NO CAR TIRES and im going to tell you there are no experts or engineers who will condone the use of any CAR TIRES on a motorcycle so if you want to hire an attorney and try to contest it GOOD LUCK and im sure the stingy darksiders arent going to do thatanyway over some $100 car tire thats obviously limited in lean angle and tire profile and is a publicized saftey hazard at this point I know i wouldnt want any of my loved ones using any of them
I feel the love, Art.

Now I know why you hang out in New Hope so much you old queen you!!
I spoke to PETER at TRIUMPH he said no way will they warranty a ROCKET with a CAR

TIRE on the rear

the man works at progressive insurance read what he write!!!!!

this CT business is just another bomb waiting to fall on somebody who might think his insurance will not investigate should he be involved in an accident
beware of lawyers once they smell a prey ,you will be toast trying to justify a CT on a motorbike
I am glad nobody has had the misfortune to get into a situation where lawyers would be involved and glad also that it has not raised the concern among litigation lawyers but if only one darksider get caught by the lawyers from hell is will be a sad day for us all.
I know my insurance will not cover me with a CT. so it is not a concern .
By Gosh I think you will all agree even the ones that will not respond so I will run one idea by you all to toss around a bit and I will butt out. Here is a point no one has brought up to discuss. It was the Rocket Captains that convinced Avon to build a set of tires for the Rocket and thus came the Cobra's. Why can't the Rocket Captains convince either Metzler or Avon to build a high mileage tire? Lord they can use the same mold or mold design which is cheaper for them and change the compounds. This might or might not reduce the grip of the tire but either way it would give us more variety to choose from.
For those of you I upset by my shenanigans I will apologize to you here for making light of something that is serious to you! I hope you all have a great discussion and maybe this will help start it off.

"unsafe" - in your opinion. My opinion and many others on this site is that the Metzler is unsafe. G-man, Tfrazier, and others that have gone down due to the piss-poor traction of the Metzler would agree.

"sliding unco[n]trolable moto[r]cycle[']s path" - this is precisely why I run darkside instead of the Metz. I've never had a braking issue with my ct but several problems with the Metz.

Plus with the recent catastrophic failure of an Avon and the resulting recall, I still think that I will stay with my ct.

Hey, I respect your decision to run on regular motorcycle tires. It fits your riding style. An equally valid question to post to you guys would be "why would anyone try to ride an 800 lb CRUISER like a ****** rocket?" Which of us is being more safe?
As I stated Tail dragger I should not have gotten so ****y about tires and that you are one of the people I am appoligizing too. The way I ride my bike I really have no reason to discuss safety issues and I should stick my head back up my ass!!!!!!! So I do mean I am sorry!!!!