Top 3 CTs for the R3

News Flash... Car Tires Aren't for the R3

Well, long story, short, Art and me hit the twisties fairly hard today and when we parked to relax and enjoy the local scenery and a cold beverage he pointed to my Toyo and said "take a look".

The sidewall was seriously scuffed about an inch and a half up from the tread! My darkside days are very numbered on this motorcycle as it has a much more aggressive lean angle than the VTX 1800s I previously ran on the Darkside with. Basically, you were prevented by dragging parts on the ground from running on the sidewall on the big Honda. Not so with our Rocket IIIs.

Riding on your sidewall at any time and I any fashion is foolhardy. Doing it balls to the wall is simply an invitation for disaster.

I apologize to any Captains (other than those riding Darkside on the Tourer's 180 rim) whom I might have persuaded to go that way. I made a big mistake in doing so for the simple reason that I did not have all of the necessary a priori knowledge to make an informed, and in hindsight, intelligent decision to switch over to a car tire with this motorcycle. Look at your tires, Darksiders, and if you see that you are riding on your sidewall, cease and desist the type of riding that does put you at serious risk and reinstall a MT before learning this lesson the much harder way!
Ah Skywalker you have nothing to apoligize about!!!!!!! You merely have been brought back into the light! As many have stated to each his own and that is for every Captain running the Dark side or not. As I stated to Art its is a good thing that you or no one else got hurt. For I do not think anyone on this site wants to read about someone dieing whether its the rider of the bike or the family in the car that wrecked trying to avoid running over someone whos equipment failed whether it was do to having the wrong equipment or not. People will most likely make fool hearted comments about what you have just posted and I must say to you good informative statement. It takes one hell of a man to admit when he might have been wrong and that sir you are!!!!
PHIL IS CORRECT CAR TIRES are not for motorcycles and if you ride as hard as PHIL you will get hurt trying to use them
What do you mean Master Yoda plenty of people ride on the side of their car tires they can't be dangerous!!!!

What do you mean a car tire on a bike is unsafe Skywalker

1000 bikers do it everyday out of 100 milion surley they can't be wrong!!!!!
Dangerous tires

Yes kinda like suicide
Listen guys, one more time, not everyone rides balls to the wall like you guys do. No, the darkside is not for you.

Those of us that ride at more sedate speeds and lean angles do just fine with the darkside so there's no need to apologize or discourage others from going that way.

If you would qualify your remarks everytime with something along the lines of "not for seriously agressive riding" or something similar (kinda of like Phil did earlier), then I wouldn't roll my eyes when you post a discouragement.

Everyone does not ride like you. That doesn't make you better or smarter or anything. Just different. It's great watching you guys ride so agressive but it's not for everyone.

I have my reasons for running darkside and they are perfectly valid for my riding style.

NO T the CT is not safe when you have to make an emergeny turn and have to lean over and off the tread and onto the sidewall thats just unsafe period
I'm not going to get all religious regarding my newfound (and very disappointing) knowledge, but I will say this; Riding any motorcycle is intrinsically a dangerous propsition.

There is so little margin for error when on two wheels, either driver induced or due to a myriad of hazardous conditions which reside overtly and hidden in our riding environments, that it really makes me scratch my head when folks elect to throw prudent precautions into the wind.

I am not preaching, tdragger, you make some valid points, and it is anyone's decision to make as to with what accessories and how they otherwise choose to festoon their bikes. Just make the best informed decision that you can and remember that your choices are rarely just about you... they also affect and can dramatically impact those who love, like and/or depend on you and vice versa.
just my two cts
but has any one riding on CT considered the legal implications particularly in connection to their insurance provisions
we know insurances companies will dig anywhere and everywhere to find a way out of paying a settlement . it happens every day in the health insurance business , and I would bet my dirty laundry that insurance lawyers would have a field day in contesting a settlement regarding a rider with a ct tire on his bike.
the word unapproved ,unsafe ,unauthorized by factories would probably be their first statements.
think hard about it you could be in BIG troubles if it came to that .
PS why is there more lawyers in new york than new jersey?
I assume you meant to refer to the Touring model when you mention the 180 rear tire, as the Classic Tourer has a 240 rear.

Why would you exclude the Touring from your opinion? It seems to me that the the narrower tire on the better handling Touring model would be more likely to ride up onto the sidewall than the wider 240.