Took First Place At A Show Last Night

I couldn't figure out how to upload images the correct way. Hence the Dropbox links.

Real simple actually. Click on the "Upload a File" button at the lower right of the window.
A small black window opens and you click "Browse". Go find the location of your photo and double click it. Choose "Thumbnail" or "Full Image". Click "Post Reply and . . .

I sometimes pre-edit my photos down to 500 - 750 or 100 pixels when using the "Full Image".
Now you explain to me how you did that with Dropbox????
How familiar are you with Dropbox? Do you know how to upload and view items in/into your account/box?
Btw, I heard somewhere that there's a million dollar reward waiting for whoever can identify the exhaust on my bike. The Triumph mechanic says it's definitely not stock, but he doesn't know what brand it is. Anyone?
Congrats! And yeah, pledge is furniture polish. The idea that it's some kind of miracle bike cleaner is silly. It washes away in moments when the rain hits, for instance. But if you don't give that much of a crap and just want the bike to not be completely unsightly it's a nice lazy guy's makeshift.

Really nice work on those rims. I had to literally take mine off, wetsand them down and then machine polish to get a result like that, but they were a bit older no doubt.
Btw, I heard somewhere that there's a million dollar reward waiting for whoever can identify the exhaust on my bike. The Triumph mechanic says it's definitely not stock, but he doesn't know what brand it is. Anyone?

Very few things it can be, there aren't many slipons made for the R3T.

I'm guessing it's these.

2008-2015 Triumph Rocket III Touring Slip-on | D & D Exhaust