Tires: Metzler vs. Avon vs. Bridgestone



You are a LIFESAVER with that info.....I am not going to be tearing it up and Dennis Kirk has the pair of Bstones for 270 shipped 157 rear 92 front(for the 130).

I am just going to be doing average riding 85 per cent of the time and 15 per cent moderate.

So knowing that...Would you recommend the Exedra Max 240/55 ZR16 in back and the 130/70 zr17's on the front......I am going to be doing moderate riding at most so I am WAAAY below your riding skill set on this bike....Will be doing 90 percent 1 up 10 per cent 2 up


PS..Thanks again...These dealers are killing me! None will allow me to bring online tires in so I have to get bent over...Not a prob if they have the correct sized tire and speed rating I am looking for.....
Since you are neither an aggressive, nor a performance-oriented rider I would recommend that you go with either the Michelin 140 or the Avon 140 or 150 up front. The advantage of the 140 is that it will lighten up the overall feel of bike under nearly all conditions and it will be considerably easier to turn/steer at lower speeds (think parking lots and driveways). The Michelin's tread pattern matches up very nicely with that of the Ex Max you are putting on the rear. Again, from the many comments about the Avons I've seen posted up, the Michelin would appear to have better wet weather characteristics, so that would be my choice. They are both excellent, high quality tires, though.

Happy trails and do let us know where that Bong Recreation Area is!
Hi Triumphil. A little late, but I read about the tyre stuff just now. My question and maybe the issue for my right choice of tyres is the torque/hp of my supercharged Rlll ( 345/ 306 backwheel): don't they- Avon front, Extra Max back- come off the rim at top accelerating /speed?
Tnx for your response.
I dont see any shredding but its certainly worn out down to the cords so to be fair youd have to ride on the same roads to compare tires

This may be of some help to you . . .

I dont see any shredding but its certainly worn out down to the cords so to be fair youd have to ride on the same roads to compare tires

Me thinks that tire was ran under inflated!
Properly inflated the most wear will be to the center, like this one of mine last year.


I've never run an Avon, unforgiven, so I really can't answer your question. What I can say is that with the rear wheel power you have with that blower running, it's launches, burnouts and wheel spinning that you'll need to be careful with, no matter what tire(s) you choose. You probably are not spending excessive periods of time at sustained speeds of 225+ kph so, I'd think that most tires with speed ratings of V and higher should be fine.
I'm getting ready to replace a front Michelin Pilot 2, 140/75-R17.

I've got complaint at all about the tire. Just wondering if anybody has some experience with or comments about the Pirelli Night Dragon.
A complete waste of Money. Bought a set for the Harley and replaced them before they wore out. Very soft and cupped after just 2,000 miles. Proper air and balance. just a real bad tire.