tires loosing grip


.020 Over
Aug 20, 2008
my 07 standard have only 1800 miles on the tires and on twisty roads or fast curves the tires give a feeling like they about to loose the grip and the bike is shiffting alittle bit even tough i'm going just a little bit over normal speed, so not very agresive rider tires look pretty new so there is still allot of meet on the tire. i got the bike 2mo ago and dont know how the prvious owner road it so is there a way you suppose to ride new tires to break them....thanks
You're either hitting the well known limit of the crap rear shocks or your tire pressure is a little low.
Agree with Juggs. Try and change out your rear shocks as the stock shocks are crap. Depending upon your size you can get Hagons or Progressives and that will greatly improve your ride. Also, the Metz tires, which come standard on the Rockets, IMHO, are not the best tires in the world and a lot of riders on here have gone with Avons. I ride a darkside rear tire but it's not for everyone! Check your tire pressure first though as it is essential and change those ****ty rear shocks!

Native One
+1 to Natives comments...although my experience with the stock shocks (prior to going Progressive front and rear) was bottoming out/wheel hop in the turns..correct air pressure should help this problem....then,,,, change rear shocks.

It's not snowing where you are is it? That'll make the ride home fun, everytime. As others have said check the tire pressures first.
I agree with all these gentlemen and if the tires are new and hardly any miles on them The will be a litle slick feeling till they are scrubbed up a little.
My rear tyre was crap till it warmed up. New shocks made a hell of a difference but the tyre still only lasted 3000 miles.
My rear tire seems to be losing grip all the time, plus I keep gettign this black gooey stuff stuck under the fender and on the back side of the licensce plate....

especially when I twist that grip on the right a little bit.....
Hey regulator I have that same problem and I see smoke in the mirror

also then there is this whistle and some kind of turbine scream :twisted:
I completely ruined my first tyre and kept riding not beleiving a tyre on such a heavy powerful bike could hold despite having NO AIR
Just as well the Good Lord was lookin after me cos I wasn't.

So don't be embarrassed! No real feedback at all except at corners at 100k's /hour

I can't beleive I survived 3 months riding like that!