Time for a new exhaust?

Had a Honda 740/4 with 4:1 exhaust. It developed a hole about the 1x2cm that had rusted a little round the edges. Actually it was probably a rust hole. When I had to take it in for a road worthiness test I tried a quick fix - time and $ dictated. So I got a lid off a dog food can out of the rubbish, plastered it with muffler putty, easily bent it round the pipe by hand and clamped it in place with a couple of worm drive hose clamps joined together. When the "mechanic" :rolleyes: signed off on it I thought I'd better check about the repair job - not wanting to risk a defect notice later on. He simply said "it's not leaking is it?". That quick fix held up for 6 months and was replaced with a similar patch.

Yours looks like about a 3 or maybe 4 lid job, Nicke. ;)