Tilting stock bars forward?


May 5, 2007
Queensland Au.
There was a thread on this sort of mod like a week or 2 ago? the guy used flatter Harley bars & dropped the height 2"giving a more forward lean position. Think the conclusion was it became uncomfortable & he switched back
I tried it on my Rocket before I bought risers. My wrists couln't take the pain of the upwards offset angle. If you do this mod try HD bars cause it is jacked with the Rocket stock bars. Just my opinion.
I tried it on my Rocket before I bought risers. My wrists couln't take the pain of the upwards offset angle. If you do this mod try HD bars cause it is jacked with the Rocket stock bars. Just my opinion.

my bars on my bike felt weird when I first got it compared to the bike I had test rode and fell in love with three years earlier and on the first longer ride the my wrists (as per above Quote) and shoulders ached a little then I noticed the clutch cable and brake line were in fact rubbing on the std screen mounts so before any damage could be done I brought the bars back and hey presto problem solved much more comfortable, I can still get the weight over front when scratching in the hills by moving slightly forward and bending the arms I might add I'm just over 6ft so if height is part of the prolbem it would probaly change every thing
Anyne done this? I wanna have a more leam forward riding postition. Handling? Issues? I don't mean tilting it really forward though, maybe straight up, monkey style Pics?

Maybe should put on a speed triple bar instead.
Hi, I have tried several types of bars from 2" rise to the classic pullbacks and the ones that are comfy and work without too much modification are called "XLX style" from Highway Hawk, or part number 110023 from Custom Chrome, both are a bit narrower, lower and further forward than stock.
Go for whichever is easier for you to get, the Custom Chrome are half the price of the HHawk and Harley dealers can get them.
Thx Steve, XLX style looks really good, that is more or less what I am looking for, in black tho. Will I need more spacers?

I agree with Steve. I have the same bars, but in black. I got them through a HD dealership They fit the to the Nightster.
Thx Steve, XLX style looks really good, that is more or less what I am looking for, in black tho. Will I need more spacers?
What do you mean by "spacers"? you may need to reroute the clutch and throttle cables to between the headlamps cos they are too long, if you want to use the stock bar ends you will need to weld in some threaded plugs in the end of the bars or just use aftermarket ones, get the ones without wiring dimples you dont need them,
I will have a set of black XLX bars for sale soon as I am getting the chrome ones, they already have the bar end plugs fitted, not sure if its worth you paying the shipping to Sweden, check it out.

No problem with tank clearance with these bars and stock risers.
Hi, I am looking to buy a Rocket, and the test ride has proven that the stock bars arent comfy for me, I am six foot six and the stock bars cause me to have to lean back too much on my tail too much. Is there anyone here who is that height or near it, and what bars do you use to become comfortable. I have an xs 11 yamaha, and the stock bars on that bike caused pretty much the same thing. I put the Daytona type bars on it, and they seem much better although I would think that a couple inches higher would be better.
You might suit those flatter Harley bars that? Mighty Mouse? tried.. will make you lean over further to reach them Post of those was 2? weeks ago?